Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Poll: How long do you wear your (soft) contact lenses previously throwing them away?

Poll: How long do you wear your (soft) contact lenses previously throwing them away?
2-3 months (weekly contacts). I've done it for 9 years now and I don't own any problems.
I have for a while neovascular growth (which means latest veins) it makes my eyes a tiny bit red, but thats something like it.
it happens result in the contact gets "glogged" and Oxygen can't catch to the veins so they procure bigger to be able to pull together more oxygen.
seems minor to me
Usually a week
it depend on the months its proskribed
Sometimes I own worn mine up to 3 months and have not have any problems.
If you're wearing your contacts every day, your optometrist will recount you to dispose of them after approximately a month of consistent use. After a month or so, you may feel some discomfort while wearing them. You'll get the impression like they entail to be rewetted more frequently and they'l become quite a bother. If you don't wear them every hours of daylight, toss them after the equivalent of a month of use 28-31 days. You can stretch it if you want, but you'll start to feel it soon satisfactory.
About a month but it depends on how you care for them too. When they start not getting verbs and become uncomfortable that's when you know it's time to toss them. Always verbs them and keep rewetting drops near you. Never use saline solution to soak them in overnight neither. I would not support anyone to sleep in them neither - even if they speak it is ok to.
i wear Acuve Advance with Hyderclear and they are 2 weeks. i wear them for 2 weeks and throw them away and start another duet! yay!

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