Sunday, October 17, 2010

Please answer i'm really sick...?

i have be very sick to my stomach lately and i also own tonsilitis could this make me grain dizzy and disoriented?Please answer i'm really sick...?
Sure it can. Medicine that you could be taking to help your symptoms may explanation dizziness as well. Don't permit your symptoms go untreated for too long as it could develop into more complications subsequent.
possibly. get an evaluation by your doctor or urgent vigilance.
The ears, nose and throat are adjectives connected, so the infection in your throat could be affecting your ears, which could wreak the dizziness and disorientation. Are you taking antibiotics for the tonsillitis? Just to be on the safe side, give the name your doctor and tell him around it.
Yes, as the tonsils swell the create pressure in the inner ear space effecting be a foil for and causing dizziness and distress the dizziness causes nausea. See an ENT {Ears, Nose and Throat doctor} ASAP!
Maybe..if you enjoy a fever you could be delirious, newly try to rest. If you have be to your doctor and they say everything is fine, later it probably is just the tonsillitis. Feel better!

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