Sunday, October 17, 2010

Plantar Warts or lately itchy skin?

I noticed yesterday that my big toe on the departed foot itched really badly. It is on the bottom of the toe. I checked it out today, and I own two small to medium sized callus looking things nearby. I didn't see any "seeds". They weren't yellow or brown - more the color of my skin or slightly more pinky. I enjoy had a wart or two on my fingers up to that time - they are always really tiny. Smaller than the come first of a pin. Usually, just a small brown dot. I hand down it alone and it goes away. (Doc confirmed it be a wart - just completely small.) They always itch approaching crazy on me. Do you think the two bumps on the bottom of my big toe could be wart? Or are plantar warts solitary on the sole of the foot? If there are no seed, how can I tell what it is? I don't hold insurance and can't see a doctor. I need to do what I can at home. I did use an emery board to remove any extra late skin. Then I soaked a cottonball and vinegar and taped it to the nouns. Even after I used emory board, bumps weren't smaller. Help!Plantar Warts or lately itchy skin?
Usually plantar warts hurt, close to heck if i might add, when stepped on. If you cant stir to the docs try Compund-Q or W (one of those). You can by it at most stores and it got rid of my plantar wart at the bottom of my foot. If this does not work you obligation to go to a doc because they enjoy a special thing they do for plantar wart.
Plantar wart = verucca which are contagious, but easily treatable next to over-the-counter ointments.
Don't verbs about it.

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